52 Geschichten #26: Johannisthal's Landscape Park

"My favourite place is the Johannisthal Landscape Park. There I can find peace and quiet and let my gaze wander into the distance. In spring, I smell the lilac hedge of the roller skating rink. In summer, I like to hear the sheep bleating or enjoy beautiful sunsets. When I need companionship, as it was sometimes the case during the Corona period, I go to the park in the afternoon to see funny dogs, compare jogging styles and watch the lively children in the playgrounds. When the other walkers talk to each other in many different languages, I immediately feel as a part of the world again." (Iris from Johannisthal)

About the author

Katha koordiniert InteraXion, Willkommensbüro und Wohnraumberatung für Menschen mit Migrations- und Fluchterfahrung in Treptow-Köpenick. Sie begleitet RawafedZusammenfluss von hauptamtlicher Seite. Journalistische Erfahrung konnte sie durch verschiedene Projekte der Jugendpresse und dem Studierendenmagazin UnAufgefordert sammeln. Wenn sie nicht nach neuen Geschichten sucht, tummelt sie sich in Boulderhallen.

Katha coordinates InteraXion, the welcome office for migrants* and refugees in Treptow-Köpenick and accompanies RawafedZusammenfluss through her work. She gained journalistic experience through various youth press projects and the student magazine UnAufgefordert. When she is not looking for new stories, she spends her time in bouldering halls.



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