52 stories: #15 First the love, then the children, then the Gspusi


Ingrid is 77 and we met in Plänterwald. She goes for a walk here every day, her round and preferably with her granddaughter. But today I meet her alone, because her granddaughter is taking her school leaving examination. She thinks it's great that she only has to cross the street once from her apartment and is right in the forest and by the water. She has lived near the Plänterwald since 1998, but has been in Treptow-Köpenick since 1975. She is not a native Berliner, but comes from Brandenburg near Potsdam. She came to Berlin because of love, although as a young girl you come to Berlin to celebrate and "then comes the boyfriend, then the wedding and then the first child". Ingrid tells me that she misses the egg house she met back then as a café, "but that was so long ago". She also misses the cultural park. She used to go there with the children, the entrance fee was only 1 Mark and that was very cheap. "For the children it was always very nice, now everything is ruined, let's see what will happen there".


*Gspusi: Gspusi is a term from the Viennese language and means as much as: love affair

About the author

Nergis, Publizistin und Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin aus Wien, ist seit 2020 die neue Kollegin im Willkommensbüro InteraXion und unterstützt darüber RawafedZusammenfluss. Sie sucht nach euren Geschichten - 52 Kurzportraits sollen es insgesamt werden. Schreibt ihr: n.ceylan@offensiv91.de

Nergis, expert in communications from Vienna, is the new colleague in the welcome office InteraXion and supports RawafedZusammenfluss. She is looking for your stories - 52 short portraits in total. Write to her: n.ceylan@offensiv91.de



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